CPCC Congregational Meeting This Sunday After Worship

We will be voting on a proposed bylaw change to lessen the number people required to form a Nominating Committee. Here is the text of the change:

Proposed amendment to Article III, Section 2 of CPCC Bylaws adopted December 22, 2015.

The foregoing provision shall be amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

“Each year there shall be a Church Nominating Committee composed of five (5) members, to include one (1) currently serving Elder designated by the Session, one (1) currently serving Deacon designated by the Board of Deacons and three (3) active Members of the Church elected by the congregation at a congregational meeting.  The members appointed by the Session and the Board of Deacons shall be co-chairs of the Nominating Committee.  If either co-chair ceases to act for any reason, the Session or Board of Deacons, as the case may be, shall appoint a qualified replacement.  If any other active Member ceases to act for any reason, the Nominating Committee may select another active Member to replace him or her.  Once approved and elected by the congregation, the Nominating Committee shall never have less than three (3) active voting members. The pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee without voting privileges.”   

Read a Copy of the Annual Report Before The Meeting. Hard Copies Will be Available In The Narthex


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