God’s Hidden Treasures Update

July 16 Update

So much has happened since I last wrote to you.  I am going to try to just highlight 2 of the most impactful.

On July 8th Russia bombed the largest Children’s Hospital in Kiev - this is the hospital where the most desperately ill children are sent from all over Ukraine.  Since the war started we’ve seen and experienced some horrible things, but this one took everyone’s breath away.  That someone would deliberately target these kids hurt so much.  I think the whole Ukraine is in morning.  And our own Serghei (Manager, Wheelchair Center) was in Kiev and saw it happen (he was about 2 football fields length away from it).  He said he felt the shock waves through his whole body and that immediately everyone went running toward the hospital to help.  On the same day in another Region of Ukraine Russia bombed a Maternity Hospital.  As I write this the death toll of the children continues to rise as so many of these kids had their treatments interrupted and couldn’t survive it.  


Be Thou My Vision


Download The Bulletin - July 14th, 2024